Who We Are:
Inspectors General are confidential advisors to, and fact-finders for, The Adjutant General (TAG). Inspectors General assist with increasing readiness and bolstering warfighting capabilities by performing the four IG functions: Inspections, Assistance (Assistance Requests), Investigations, and Teaching & Training. Inspectors General perform these four functions by remaining unbiased, objective, fair, and impartial. Inspectors General work to determine the facts and “what is right?” by researching and analyzing appropriate and applicable Department of Defense (DOD) Directives, Army Regulations, Air Force Instructions, and policies.
Our Goals:
- Keep the TAG, staff and unit leadership fully apprised of significant issues & concerns affecting the Nebraska National Guard, especially those issues & concerns pertaining to unit readiness and the care & welfare of Soldiers, civilians, and family members.
- Work with the commands, units and other agencies, as appropriate, to help resolve concerns brought to the IG’s attention as IG Action Requests (IGARs) or IG Personal and Fraud Waste and Abuse Complaint Registration.
- When non-compliance with requisite standards is found, help commanders identify the “root cause[s]” of such non-compliance and work to fix the issue.
It is important to understand the IG and Commander relationship:
- The IG works for the commander (State IG for the TAG, Division IG for the Division Commander, Installation IG for the Wing Commander, etc…)
- The IG must be a “problem solver”; however, they cannot “fix” things by themselves. IGs must work by, with, and through commanders, staff sections, the NCO support channel, and civilian leadership.
- IGs can recommend courses of action but cannot “direct” any course of action.
The IG will do everything possible to keep confidentiality when handling complaints; however, it may be unavoidable to disclose some information to properly handle the case. In such instances we will try to contact the complainant prior to disclosure.