Home : Resources : Education & Incentives : Education Support Programs
Education Support Programs
The following programs are available to help your college/career journey be successful. ARNG Soldiers are encouraged to review the various programs available and to contact your state education office for additional education counseling and support.

How Do I Qualify?

Be an active drilling member of the ARNG

What Do I Get?

Resources to Help Make Decisions:
Career Path DECIDE
College Navigator
College Scorecard
GI Bill Comparison Tool
Kuder Journey
Coalition for College
Occupational Outlook Handbook
O*NET On-Line
HERC & Degree Quest®

Resources to Help While in School:
Army e-Learning
Khan Academy
Federal Academic Alliance
Massive Open Online Course
Modern States Education Alliance
MWR Library
EBSCO Learning Express
Veteran’s Upward Bound

How Do I Apply?

Use your Internet browser to find the web site for the program you’re interested in and follow the instructions provided to use the services. Contact your state education office if you need additional information or have any access issues.
Education & Incentives Contact Information
Dr. Grizelda L. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Education Services Officer
Office: 402-309-8149
Email: grizelda.l.macdonald.civ@army.mil

SFC Joshua Sladky
GI Bill Education Manager
: 402-309-7344
Email: joshua.e.sladky.mil@army.mil

Mr. Jovon Winnell
Nebraska State Incentives Manager
Office: 402-309-8158
Email: jovon.c.winnell.civ@army.mil