Home : Resources : Education & Incentives : College Planning and Assistance
College Planning & Assistance
Step 1: Contact your State Education Services Office

To get started on your college/career journey, contact the state education office to obtain personal education counseling and assistance. 

Step 2: Download Your JST

Find out how much college credit you may be eligible for from your military training and experience by downloading your Joint Services Transcript (JST) at: https://jst.doded.mil/jst

Step 3: Choose Your Major/School

Choosing a field of study and school can be challenging, so try these free resources to help make your choice: Step 4: Get Financial Assistance

There are numerous education programs and services available to ARNG Soldiers. Use the links below to access some of these resources:
For More Information:
View a short video of all ARNG education benefits at: Army National Guard Educational RoadMap
Education & Incentives Contact Information
Dr. Grizelda L. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Education Services Officer
Office: 402-309-8149
Email: grizelda.l.macdonald.civ@army.mil

SFC Joshua Sladky
GI Bill Education Manager
: 402-309-7344
Email: joshua.e.sladky.mil@army.mil

Mr. Jovon Winnell
Nebraska State Incentives Manager
Office: 402-309-8158
Email: jovon.c.winnell.civ@army.mil