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Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)
The holistic health and fitness (H2F) system is the Army’s primary investment in Soldier readiness and lethality. It seeks to optimize physical and non-physical performance, reduce injury rates, and improve rehabilitation after injury, ultimately increasing the overall readiness of the total Army. The system empowers and equips Soldiers to take charge of their health, fitness, and well-being to optimize individual performance while preventing injury and disease. H2F is an enterprise wide readiness system that combines all aspects of physical and non-physical human performance optimization under a single governance structure to enable commanders (CDRs) to improve Soldier health and fitness.

Enhance the Total Army readiness and future implementation of the H2F system. The program empowers and equips Soldiers to take charge of their health, fitness, and well-being to optimize individual performance while preventing injury and disease.
Five Domains
1. Mental Readiness —The ability to meet the mental demands of combat or duty position.

2. Sleep Readiness —The ability to implement the requisite sleep principles and behaviors to support optimal brain function.

3. Nutritional Readiness —The ability to recognize, select, and consume the requisite food and drink to meet the physical and non-physical demands of any duty or combat.

4. Spiritual Readiness —The development of personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy.

5. Physical Readiness —The ability to meet the physical demands of any duty or combat and accomplish the mission