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GI Bill Information
The GI Bill Programs are statutory entitlements that are administered by the military services and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Soldiers may receive up to 36 months in any one DVA educational assistance program and a maximum of 48 months of combined benefits if eligible for two or more programs.
Montgomery GI Bill: Selected Reserve Chapter 1606
The Montgomery GI Bill: Selected Reserve is a benefit administered by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) that provides basic educational assistance for traditional/M-day Soldiers actively serving in the Selected Reserve.

How Do I Qualify?

  • Sign a six-year service contract or Officer Service Agreement in the Reserve Component on or after July 1, 1985
  • Complete a High school diploma or equivalent
  • Complete IADT or Officer Branch Qualification
  • Continue serving in an active drilling status
  • Not be AGR or on Active Duty
  • Not be flagged
  • Not be using a Dedicated Army National Guard ROTC Scholarship

What Do I Get?

  • $439 per month for full-time enrollment (effective October 1, 2022)
  • Payment made directly to you each month
  • In most cases, benefit eligibility begins after you complete initial entry training
  • Can be combined with Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) for the same course

How Do I Apply and Enroll?

Apply online at: www.va.gov
Notify the School Certifying Official at your school so they can certify your enrollment
Continue to verify your enrollment each month via text message, email or calling 1.888.GIBILL1 (1.888.442.4551)​
Post-9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33
The Post-9/11 GI Bill is an education program for Service Members who serve on qualifying active duty after September 10, 2001, and receive an honorable discharge.

How Do I Qualify?

Serve at least 90 days in a period of qualifying active duty on or after September 11, 2001:
  • Title 10 USC Sections 688, 12301(a), 12301(d), 12301(g), 12301(h), 12302, 12304, 12304a, or 12304b
  • Title 10 AGR or Title 32 AGR
  • Title 32 USC, Section 502(f) as follows:
  • Operation Noble Eagle: September 11, 2001 – May 31, 2002
  • Southwest Border (Operation Guardian Shield): February 15, 2019 – January 20, 2021
  • COVID-19 Pandemic Response: March 22, 2020 – July 1, 2022
  • Capitol Police (59th Inauguration): January 11, 2021– May 23, 2021
  • Serve for 30 continuous days and separate due to a service-connected disability or injury
What Do I Get?

Tuition and Fees:
  • Up to 100% of in-state tuition at public schools
  • Up to $26,381.37/year at private or foreign schools
Books and Supply Stipend:
  • Up to $1,000/academic year ($41.67/ credit hour)
Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA):
  • Equal to BAH rate—E5 with dependents
  • $988 if attending only online classes
Payments pro-rated based on your qualifying service:
  • 36 Months = 100% (Includes Purple Heart Recipients)
  • 30 Months = 90%
  • 24 Months = 80%
  • 18 Months = 70%
  • 6 Months = 60%
  • 90 Days = 50%
How Do I Apply?

Apply online at: www.va.gov
Notify the School Certifying Official at your school so they can certify your enrollment
Continue to verify your enrollment each month via text message, email or calling 1.888.GIBILL1 (1.888.442.4551)
GI Bill Transfer of Education Benefit
Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB) is an incentive for continued service offered to Service Members who qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. All Army National Guard Soldiers considering TEB should initiate the TEB process as soon as they meet the requirements.

 How Do I Qualify?

  • Qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill at any payment tier
  • Be currently serving in the Armed Forces with at least six years completed
  • NOT be flagged for an adverse action, failure to maintain physical fitness or height/weight standards, or as an Unsatisfactory Participant
  • Agree to a FOUR-YEAR service obligation

2. What Do I Get?

  • Dependent(s) receive the same tier payment as Soldier
  • Spouse:
    • May use transferred benefits immediately
  • Children:
    • Cannot use the benefit until transferring Soldier has completed 10 years in the Armed Forces
    • Can begin using the benefit on their 18th birthday or upon high school graduation, whichever comes first
    • Eligibility ends on their 26th birthday unless an earlier date is specified
    • Natural, stepchildren, adopted children and wards and foster children who have lived with the SM for 12 months are eligible
    • You can modify and/or revoke months for any dependents you originally transferred month of benefits to – even
      after you separate from service
IMPORTANT! You must be currently serving to add a "new" dependent.

How Do I Apply?
  • Step 1: Contact the VA at 1-888-GIBILL-1 to determine the number of months of benefits you have remaining
  • Step 2: If you have less than four years of service remaining, complete extension
  • Step 3: Go to Milconnect and complete your TEB application at: https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/
  • Step 4: Access your Military email and follow email instructions
  • Step 5: Apply for benefits
When ready to attend school, your approved dependent(s) apply at: www.va.gov
Notify the VA Certifying Official at your school to certify your enrollment
Verify enrollment each month via text message, email or calling, 1.888.GIBILL1 (1.888.442.4551)
Education & Incentives Contact Information
Dr. Grizelda L. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Education Services Officer
Office: 402-309-8149
Email: grizelda.l.macdonald.civ@army.mil

SFC Joshua Sladky
GI Bill Education Manager
: 402-309-7344
Email: joshua.e.sladky.mil@army.mil

Mr. Jovon Winnell
Nebraska State Incentives Manager
Office: 402-309-8158
Email: jovon.c.winnell.civ@army.mil