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Guest Speaker Requests

The Nebraska National Guard offers the general public the opportunity to hear a Citizen-Soldier or Citizen-Airman speak about their personal experience of proudly serving in the National Guard. Speakers from across the state can speak on a wide range of subjects to include National Guard federal and state missions, capabilities, diversity, history, and organizational culture.

To request a guest speaker from the Nebraska National Guard for your event, requesters must complete a DD Form 2536 Request for Armed Forces Participation in Public Events (Non-Aviation) and submit to the Nebraska National Guard State Public Affairs Office no later than 45 days prior to the actual event date.

For each speaking request, please provide:

  • Name of organization
  • Name, address, e-mail, phone number of organization's contact person
  • Time and place
  • Speaker(s) and/or topic(s) desired
  • Audience demographics and size
For more information on how to request support or how to fill out a request, please contact the Nebraska National Guard State Public Affairs Office at 402.309.8390.

Please Note: When possible we will try to accommodate specific requests for speakers based on hometowns, alumni status, career history, leadership position, or other demographics, however specific speakers are never guaranteed. Additionally, military specific holiday events (Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.) have a higher request rate and often conflicting schedules with internal events. Requests for speakers for military holiday events are typically first-come, first-serve, so timeliness of requests is important.